Thursday, 24 January 2013

Thanks for the love :-)

I know it seems a whole lot like bragging, but I wanted to express how very grateful I am to have received some lovely reviews lately. Really!
Not bragging!

Just Another Day at the Office - I

Now available on Amazon US, UK


Good beginning to a series; 5* by Adam
Well, she's done it again.

Hedonist Six - or Six, as her friends call her - is back up to her usual tricks, writing a story that is long on emotions and heavy on the innuendo, with lively and realistic dialogue.

She switches POV seamlessly between her male and female characters, giving each a unique voice; voices, I might add, which ring totally true to their genders.

And when the book ends, you REALLY want the next volume to be out. Like, NOW.

So - buy this book and maybe she'll get cracking! 

Should that be Ms Sex? 4* by Elizabeth
I like the structure of this book. Ms Six, or maybe I should say Ms Sex, moves the pace along using flowing paragraphs for intimate scenes, resulting in a breathless romp, eagerly driving her reader forward in an uninterrupted stream, a waterfall of prose delivers a sense of urgency. Both John and Cathy have humanity, which is cleverly drawn; it's refreshing that there are no perfect creatures in this realistic story. 

Between a Rock and a Soft Place; 4*  by Lee
You know from the title, "Just Another Day at the Office," this is not going to be just another day at the office and the surrealistically-pseudonymed author Hedonist Six keeps us turning pages waiting for that special day to arrive.

Cath Davies has just scored a new job and immediately finds herself between a rock and a soft place, the rock being Dick 'pervert' Porter with the smelly armpits and drooling lips, the soft place being the arms of the delectable Jonathan Hall - where Cath isn't but would like to be.

In this coming of age romance, we are treated to an array of office politics, sexual and otherwise, and there were times flicking through my Kindle when the wry smile that appeared on my lips came from memories of the Ricky Gervais comedy "The Office." Like Mr Gervais, Ms Six is in tune with the zeitgeist and her characters when not stealing amorous glances may well be chatting about the latest developments on X-Factor.

I must admit I'm intrigued by the name Hedonist Six - is that six of the best, the dream of all girls, at least in the land of erotica? I am sure that in time I will find out and, in the meantime, I look forward to the next episode of office politics.  

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